Please answer the following questions to see how good you’ve been!

Do you play nice with your friends?
  • Always, after all they are my friends
  • Most of the time, even if they are mean to me
  • Not when they are mean to me
  • I’m tougher than all my friends and they know it!
Do you share your toys?
  • Sure – if we share, then we all have more to play with
  • Most of the time, but I’m very partial to some and won’t
  • Sometimes, but only if they have one I want
  • Only if they pay me 5 cents per toy
Do you ‘open wide’ for the dentist?
  • For sure! – and I also don’t eat too many sweets
  • Most of the time – the dentist has funny pictures on the ceiling to look at
  • Sometimes, but I get nervous when I see the drill
  • No way – I can put up a really big fight
How clean is your bedroom?
  • Spotless and very tidy
  • Pretty clean except on the weekends
  • My stuff is well hidden
  • Do I have a bedroom?
Do you go to bed on time?
  • Most definitely – I try very hard to get plenty of sleep and be rested for the next day
  • Most of the time, but on weekends I never seem to be tired and want to stay up longer
  • Sometimes I put up an argument because I want to see the end of the TV show
  • Rarely – there are too many fun things to do all the time uses cookies.

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