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{ 16 juillet 2005 }

charlie & the chocolate factory

yesterday charlie and the chocolate factory came out, and erin & i went to see it after her flight arrived. the movie was fabulous. it stays truer to the book than the 1971 version does: veruca wants a squirrel, not a goose; the oompa-loompas’ songs contain the lyrics written by roald dahl himself; charlie and grandpa joe don’t steal fizzy lifting drinks; etc. however, there are a few changes regarding willy wonka’s past and the ending of the film, but those changes have the full support of dahl’s widow, felicity, so then i don’t mind them.

the set design was incredible, especially the chocolate room. and johnny depp was amazing, of course. he was eccentric, sometimes rude, and yet a little insecure. freddie highmore did a great job playing charlie; he portrayed charlie’s innocence and genuine goodness quite well.

the movie was quirky and heart-warming, and it was also really funny. i’m definitely going to go see it again, and i’m definitely going to buy it when it comes out on dvd. and, really, you should go see it, too.

candy doesn’t have to have a point. that’s why it’s candy.

posted at 12.04


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