{ 28 juillet 2005 }
chicago, i.o. and lake michigan
this past weekend i visited my friend carol in chicago, where she is partaking in the summer intensive program at improv olympic. throughout the weekend we hung out with various people from carol’s class, and it is certainly interesting hanging out with a bunch of improvers. none of them are shy, and pretty much all of them are hilarious. needless to say, i had a fabulous time.
since i hadn’t been to chicago since i was 8 or 9 and hardly remember the city, i had no clue that there were beaches there. proper ocean-ish beaches with sand and volleyball nets and water stretching to the horizon and everything. see, in the south, we don’t have giant lakes, and our lakes are normally surrounded by woodsy areas, so going to the lake and going to the beach at the ocean feel completely different.
playing beach volleyball with a bunch of jovial theatre nerds is not intimidating at all—even for me, frolicking around in my skirt. granted, my team only won once, but it was still fun. and how could it not be with adam running off to chase butterflies, chris in his pigtails, and nate teaching us all about geeky role-playing games? [inside joke] crossing arms across chest to be invisible. [/inside joke]
random trivia: the name chicago originates from “checagou” or “checaguar” which mean “wild onions” or “skunk” in the potawatomi language. the area was called this because of the stinky rotting marshland onions that used to cover it. yum.
posted at 15.41