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{ 08 juillet 2005 }

houston honey house

as you can gather from the last post, i’ve been really busy this past month. i was spending the majority of my time with dudley, so i now have a backlog of things to write about because i haven’t really felt like writing recently. now is a good time as any to start writing again because it’ll give me something to do, other than miss dudley.

anyhoo, there was a family in houston that discovered there were bees living in the walls in their home when honey started dripping from the ceiling. the exterminator who came to remove the bees said he could literally feel them on the outside of the house, which i suppose makes sense, seeing as there were thousands of bees living there. besides the plethora of bees, there was also almost 450 pounds of honey in the walls. the article i read said the bees were “living in a honeycomb the size of a pickup truck’s hood built into the walls.” as shannon pointed out, only in texas would they compare the honeycomb to a truck’s hood.

apparently everything really is bigger in texas.

posted at 00.24


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