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{ 05 août 2005 }

bad typography at the dmv

i know it’s hard to believe, but during my wonderful long visit at the dmv, i saw some bad examples of typography. i don’t understand why our government can’t have signs that at least pretend to be typographically correct.

this sign has random capital letters, which i guess would be okay if the capitalized words were all nouns as though the sign was pretending to be german. there are also spaces around the hyphens, which should be en dashes anyhoo. i’m a stickler for using the correct type of dash, so that really irritated me as i gazed at the sign.

dmv type

i couldn’t stop staring at the horrible kerning between the s and t in the 2nd appearance of “state” on this next sign. the justification is beastly as well.

dmv type

looking at those signs makes my eyes hurt.

posted at 22.33


I will have to point this out to my friend in the GSP! And yes, it is unfortunate that everyone's eye is not as keen as ours (yours, mine... and the several hundred other ppl who are observant to this material). You would not believe some of the Web sites on the military server; I cringe when I see the horrible content created by those "designers!"

posted by Leprakawn at 02.33 on 20 février 2007

Secondary comment after looking at this page a second time:

The mouse cursor changes to the annoying "text" symbol whenever dragged over text (duhh), but when dragged over "name," "email addy" and "url," it stays default!

Hmm, right back at you Becky!!! ;)

posted by Leprakawn at 02.38 on 20 février 2007

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