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{ 17 septembre 2005 }

almendras marcona

almendras marcona

tonight jimmy and i went to eclipse di luna, a tapas bar in buckhead. there i had marcona almonds, which i had never had before. their shape is very different than california almonds; marcona almonds are rounder and flatter. they are also little softer and a bit sweeter. i found them to be quite delicious, as i should since they seem to be some of the most prized almonds in the world.

also, did you know that nuts are actually fruits? the definition for a nut is “an indehiscent, hard-shelled, one-loculated, one-seeded fruit, such as an acorn or hazelnut.” [indehiscent means “not splitting open at maturity.” don’t worry, i had to look it up, too.] so the whole peanut—shell & all—is a fruit, and the part we eat is the seed. when jimmy and i realised this, he said he was going to start considering peanut butter a fruit.

posted at 00.49


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