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{ 03 septembre 2005 }

alternative housing

ever wanted a castle of your very own? well, now you can have 1 thanks to the folks at castlemagic. the castles can come with whatever details you desire, be it a portcullis, drawbridge, moat, or trebuchet. the chateaux are built just like medieval castles, except that hidden in the stone walls are waterproof insulation to keep the castle warm and dry, steel to make the castle earthquake resistant, and electrical wires and plumbing for comfort. pricing runs from $154–600 per square foot. for example, the castle in the image [castle kataryna near lake pend oreille in idaho] is for sale for $2,100,000.

if you’re looking for something a little smaller, look no further than the tumbleweed tiny house company. their houses range from 40–500 square feet, and prices start at $14,990. i really wonder what it would be like living in a house so small. the designer, jay shafer, makes a good point in saying, “a sense of space has much more to do with the quality of a place than with the quantity. a well designed little house can feel roomy, and a poorly designed mansion can feel crowded.”

posted at 12.59


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