{ 30 septembre 2005 }
guess who’s going to see gorillaz?
this november gorillaz will play all of demon days live for the 1st time for 5 nights in a row at the manchester opera house. not only will many of the guest musicians be there, but no one will be silhouetted behind a screen like the last time gorillaz played any gigs; the musicians behind the cartoons will take to the stage. the gorillaz concerts are the 1st in a series of trailblazer events to get people excited about the manchester international festival, which will start in 2007. when i heard about these 5 one-time-only gigs, i thought about how great it would be to go. then i thought, well, then why don’t i? yes, manchester is across the ocean, but i have the time, and when else would i get to experience a concert like this? so this morning at 11am, i sat impatiently waiting for the email with the link to buy pre-sale tickets. gorillaz decided to put 50 tickets for each concert on pre-sale, so 250 total, which really isn’t very many. at 11.26am the email arrived, and i was off to ticketmaster as fast as could be. spending so much time working on my computer has paid off because i was able to get my ticket with no problem, despite the tickets selling out in 2–3 minutes. i am magically fast. and not only did i manage to get 1 of the pre-sale tickets, but it’s an amazing seat as well, less than 10 rows back and a little right from centre. needless to say, i love gorillaz, and i am super excited.
sidenote: while waiting for the pre-sale email, i played a lot of gorillaz mahjong, which is fun but a little addictive.
posted at 13.37