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{ 18 septembre 2005 }

we nerds love our apple boxes

according to this wired article, many mac users save the boxes to their apple products. both my brother and i have all the boxes for our computers, ipods, isights and all that good stuff; however, our boxes are mostly stashed away. some other people decide to display theirs, such as ryan harne, the virginia tech student who went so far as to backlight his boxes with ikea lamps. ryan said, “i can’t imagine throwing them away. it’s more than a record of a serial number; it’s a record of a good event that happened in my life.” as nerdy as that sounds, all mac users know that it’s so true.

posted at 19.12


Glad to hear I'm not alone. Although, being alone would have provided an exciting rebellious accent to my persona.

posted by Ryan at 11.50 on 23 janvier 2006

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