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{ 30 septembre 2005 }

words for colours

so i’m a nerd and i get a-word-a-day email sent to me each weekday. there is a theme for the words each week, and this week’s theme caught my attention because it was words for colours. seeing as i’m a designer and i was a teaching assistant for colour & communication for 2 semesters, of course i get excited about colours. so for the other colour nerds out there, here are this week’s words:

  • filemot (fil-mot) noun, adjective : the color of a dead or faded leaf; dull brown or yellowish brown. [note: feuille morte the french term for a dry, dead leaf.]
  • incarnadine (in-kahr-nuh-dyn) adjective : flesh-colored; blood-red.
  • fuscous (fus-kuhs) adjective : of a brownish-gray color; dusky.
  • glaucous (glos-kuhs) adjective : 1) of a grayish or bluish green or white color. 2) covered with a powdery coating of such colors, as on grapes, plums, etc.
  • taupe (toap, rhymes with rope) noun : a brownish gray, similar to the color of moleskin.

posted at 14.52


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