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{ 28 novembre 2005 }

atlanta branding makeover

the atl

atlanta now has a new slogan [“every day is an opening day”], logo and theme song, along with a new website with loads of info about the city. i haven’t heard the song—”the atl” written and produced by dallas austin—yet, but i read that it has an r&b and/or hip-hop feel. the logo seems a little generic, but i still like it. i think i mostly like the typeface they used for “atlanta.” also i like that they [and by “they” i mean grey worldwide who designed the logo] highlighted “atl” since that is not only atlanta’s airport code but also what some people refer to atlanta as. i really wonder why they chose to make the logo red. the only reason it seems like a strange choice to me is because red is coke’s colour, and coke is based in atlanta. i’m sure grey and the brand atlanta committee went through loads of colour choices before settling on this red, so perhaps the semi-subconscious connection to coke is on purpose.

posted at 12.08


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