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{ 29 décembre 2005 }

greatest gadgets of the past 50 years

my dad sent me this article in which pc world lists the 50 greatest gadgets of the past 50 years. there are some obvious picks, like atari and the ipod, but there are also some gadgets that i wouldn’t have thought of, such as speak & spell and simon.

posted at 23.33


Props to your dad. Geek Dad :):)
I often read through these things and scratch my head and wonder why some devises like the Sony Betamax (Which effected us so much especially in fair use laws) is number 29th while a largely un-spectacular phone like the Motorola Razr is 12th. As a matter of fact things like the iPod(#2) and TiVO/PVR(#3) would not be around if it wasn't for the Betamax case.

posted by mikelaz.com [TypeKey Profile Page] at 15.37 on 30 décembre 2005

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