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{ 21 janvier 2006 }

nfl admits referee made a mistake

the nfl is now saying that referee pete morelli was wrong when he overturned the ruling that troy polamalu had made an interception of 1 of peyton manning’s passes during the steelers-colts game last weekend. everyone—myself, my dad, all the commentators on tv—thought that morelli wouldn’t overturn the initial ruling because it really looked like polamalu had made the interception, made a football move, then lost control of the ball. so we were all shocked when morelli did overturn the ruling. we were especially disappointed because if the interception ruling had stood, the steelers would have had the ball on their own 48 with an 11-point lead and 5:26 left in the game. thankfully the steelers still won 21-18 after the colts’ vanderjagt missed a 46-year field goal attempt.

the conference championships are both tomorrow.

afc championship game:
pittsburgh at denver
3pm on cbs

nfc championship game:
carolina at seattle
6:30pm on fox

winner of each game will meet up at the super bowl in detroit on 5 february.

here we go, steelers, here we go!

posted at 16.30


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