Best Part of Me : Harper Lieblich { spring 2003 }

My Knees Never Complain (too much)
by Harper Lieblich

I love my knees because they get me where I want to go
They can work all day and at the end of the day they can keep on going
When I hike up mountains or ski down them my knees are the most important parts
They must be strong and they must be willing
I love my knees because they get me where I want to go

I have not been good to my knees
When I was twelve I broke one of them and them forced it into a cast for three months
When I was fourteen I put a ski pole into my knee and tore its A.C.L.
When I was seventeen I dislocated my knee’s patella
I have not been good to my knees

But my knees never complain (too much)
They never groan (too much)
They never bitch and moan (too much)
I have not been good to my knees
But my knees never complain (too much)