Slam Poem { autumn 2002 }

After recording myself performing “Poem II for Anne Sexton,” I created this poster to display the text typographically, based off of how I had performed the poem. I used weight, size, placement and value to show the intonation, volume, pitch and pauses in my performance.

Final size: 36" x 80"

“Poem II for Anne Sexton” is by Dael Orlandersmith.

The curve of my Pluto sister’s back
is crooked
as are her smiles
which are interwoven with cigarette smoke &
glitter dust powder
Her perfume is the bathwater
of faded party girls
with broken heels & hearts to match
& their once seductive dances are now
Comic poses
& toothless smiles lie underneath
cheap, loose lipsticked mouths
& their once glittering gowns are
shabby dresses

The curve of my Pluto
sister’s back is due to
benzedrine and young boys
that holler obscenities & the
alcohol content in a glass
of gin & the
voices in her head that
Scream, “Kill Yourself!”
& my sister,
She heeds this call &
with broken cocktail glass in hand
rather like a shattered, painted
baby doll