Untitled (2004) { spring 2004 }

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Untitled (2004) was Carnegie Mellon’s 1st ever student and alumni art sale for which I designed the logo, shirt, and print materials, which included postcards, map, and poster. The goal of Untitled was to bring together students and alumni from all different majors who have 1 thing in common: they all create art in some form, be it photography, jewelry, painting, knitwork, music, etc.

Besides doing the design work for the art sale, I was also on the committee, helping deal with the logistics of the sale as a whole. And as a committee, we didn’t care if the artist was a 1968 mechanical engineering graduate who made pottery in his spare time or a current design student who knits scarves to relax in between projects. We wanted to bring people together from all across the board, so if the work was good, the person could participate in the sale. We really wanted to show off how talented and interdisciplinary all of our students and graduates are, as well as let students see what alumni are doing and vice-versa.

The name of the sale, the logo, and the print materials all reflect the sale’s goal of bringing together artists from all different majors and walks of life, showing that the sale is indeed all-inclusive.

For more information about untitled, you may read the press release announcing the sale, view the pictures from the day of, or read the article from the summer 2004 edition of the CMU Pittsburgh Clan newsletter.